If you're new to the world of Tarot and astrology, you might be a bit skeptical. This is understandable, as these sciences lack the empirical nature
What Is the Marigold Tarot? Review & Analysis
There are a ton of different Tarot decks out there. The Marigold Tarot is just one of a huge number of Tarot decks which vary, either subtly or
What’s the Meaning of the Judgment Tarot Card?
The Judgment Tarot card is often seen to be one of the most intriguing and exciting Major Arcana cards to pull. It can also be a fairly foreboding
Where Can I Find a Free 3 Card Tarot Reading?
If you're looking for somewhere that you can get a free 3 card Tarot reading, then look no further. There are plenty of places that you can get these
Understanding the Basic Astrology Symbols
Astrology is a complicated and in-depth science that makes heavy use of symbols. While it is not necessary to learn astrology symbols to understand
What’s the Meaning of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card?
The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card represents the cyclical nature of reality. This can include things like karma, recurring psychological patterns, fate,
Understanding the Palm Reading Children Line/Kids Line
The palm reading children line is one of the many important lines that you'll find on your palm. Reading the line of the child can help you make
Learn the Meaning of the Sun Tarot Card
The Sun Tarot card is one of the strongest in the deck - one which reflects positivity, fun, warmth, and success in its upright position. A member of
Aleister Crowley & the Infamous Thoth Tarot Deck
The Thoth Tarot deck is a unique and mysterious deck. Painted by Lady Frieda Harris in accordance to the instructions of the notorious occultist