This crab cum lion is a powerful blend of emotions that arises from sensitiveness of the Cancer and the fierceness of the Leo. More often, this person tends to be swinging from one mood to another, making it questionable for him/her to have a stable relationship.
The Oscillating Tendencies of this Cusp!
Not that a Cancer-Leo loves to swing from one zone to the other, but it is the effect of the opposite elements of water and fire, sun and moon, masculinity and femininity, that compels this person to be so volatile in nature. Someone who can help bring about an equilibrium in his/her life, would be an ideal partner for this ‘Cusp of Oscillation’.
Quite an apt title for these cuspians we’d agree, and if you’ve met one born between July 19 to July 23, you would agree too! While the title may give this person a sort of unreliable and finicky impression, in truth, there is a lot more to a Cancer-Leo than the dual conflict. If you’re aware of the extra-sensitivity of the Cancer and the somewhat-insensitivity of the Leo, then a melange of both these signs serves well to sort of balance this aspect of their personality. Because this cusp can be both sensitive and insensitive, traditional yet unruly, independent yet dependent, it can actually be quite a bit of fun being with the one belonging to this sign, don’t you think?
The traits of a Cancer-Leo are somewhat dual in nature; not like a Gemini though. It’s not that this cusp would be one person today and someone else tomorrow, but, you’ll see a lot of things happening as the clock ticks. Now, not all signs can handle the sensitivity and drama combined in this one person, but there are some who possibly can.
Best Love Matches for a Cancer-Leo Cusp
This cuspian holds love, relationships, family, loyalty, and romance with quite high regards. Yes, he/she is a hardcore romantic, a generous lover, and a strong nurturer who is capable enough to bestow his/her loved ones with the best of everything. We know that this crab-lion can be dominant, moody, even self-centered, at times, but then, who is perfect anyway!
With the existence of both water and fire elements, this cusp does well in understanding both sides of the world. Although oscillating, this person is familiar with the emotions that reside in two extremities. That being said, one cannot ignore the flip side of this personality, that this cusp can be easily offended and can interchange the halos with horns, if provoked. To keep this person at his/her best self, it is important for the suitor to be supportive, understanding, and somewhat submissive in nature. He/she is born for the spotlight, therefore, the signs that can be the pillars behind the fame and success of this cusp would make an ideal match for him/her. Here are our picks.
Cancer-Leo with Cancer
Creative, faithful, loving, protective, and understanding to a certain extent, a Cancerian partner would be an ideal choice for this cusp as both share a fair amount of traits. Both understand the value of a genuine relationship and the need to be loyal towards love. The water element that rules the crab adds to the emotional quotient of this pair. Hence, when a Cancer-Leo becomes sort of dependent, hypersensitive, moody, and emotional, the Cancer partner understands and stays with him/her till a balance is attained. Not only this, a Cancer mate can be a real pillar of strength, guiding the ways of their love using the intuitiveness and protectiveness that is inbuilt in this zodiac. Together, they can create a perfect home filled with the finest things in life, as both value the need of materialistic wealth. While the cusp wants it for show-off and power, the crab wants it for security.
Yes, there are cons to this union. Due to the added emotional quotient with the presence of the moon that rules Cancer, there may be issues involving feelings. For instance, the tendency of this cusp to become self-indulgent and insensitive to the feelings of others may hurt the crab, and if things get too ugly, a Cancerian will sting with words that are thousand times harsher! Also, the need for a Cancer-Leo to be the center of attention all the time, and leading this highly-sociable lifestyle, may instill jealously in a Cancer lover. However, considering the fact that they both are loyal, and our cusp is expressive and open about his/her feelings, such issues can be resolved.
Cancer-Leo with Pisces
Next on the list is the sun sign that is born to help those in need without thinking about his/her own self. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac chart and therefore contains a little bit of all the zodiacs that come before it. Being ruled by the water element and governed by mutable qualities, those belonging to this zodiac can transform into any shape and size as their lover wishes them to be. Not that this pair of fish doesn’t have a mind of its own, but because it believes in selflessness and growth of the ones that are important, negating the needs of self. Remember we said that this cusp needs someone who can be the source of inspiration, the pillar behind the success? Pisces is the one!
Not that the Pisces lover doesn’t need anything in return, of course he/she does, but you need to understand these needs on your own. A Cancer-Leo would complement this sign quite well as he/she contains an intuitive aspect, is empathetic, and a romantic of the first degree. This cusp can subdue the pessimism of the fish with his/her optimism. In return of the love and loyalty bestowed, a Pisces will give this cusp all the motivation, support, strength, and encouragement to go out there and live his/her dreams. The fish will let this crab-lion enjoy all the limelight, while he/she stands behind, watching his/her lover admirably. Yes, the moodiness of the both of them may cause conflicts that might include some hurtful and insensitive exchange of words, but these conflicts will only pave way to kiss and make up.
Cancer-Leo with Libra
The one thing that a Cancer-Leo cusp needs, is to find a balance, a sense of equilibrium so that the constant swinging may be controlled to a certain extent. And there is no one better than a Libra partner who could help this cusp attain that point of balance. This air sign is known as the sign of balance and harmony. A Libran is a highly peace-loving sign with the gift of weighing the pros and cons of two extreme situations and bring about a neutral, peaceful, just, balancing point. No wonder it is symbolized by the scales!
Like our cuspian, even Libra is highly romantic and inclined to materialism to a certain extent. Also, both are charming and sociable. The advantage that a crab cum lion has when it comes to dating a Libra, is that this sign can handle the fluctuations of this cusp efficaciously. Knowing that our cusp is intolerant towards criticism and manipulation, Libra uses his/her tactful, diplomatic skills to communicate with this cusp, and conveys the needful without hurting his/her pride. Problems may arise when the escapist side of Libra to not instigate any conflicts upsets the highly upfront and expressive Cancer-Leo. Nonetheless, the politician of the zodiac chart knows how to handle the hypersensitiveness of the crab lion. A Libran’s laid-back and non-rigid attitude complements the ambitiousness and unscrupulousness of this cusp.
Cancer-Leo with Capricorn
Though we wouldn’t call Capricorn totally submissive and docile, it still has the potential to team well with a Cancer-Leo. Yes, we know that the goat is stubborn, somewhat traditional, but it is also ambitious and focused. Perhaps this would work well to give our cusp the firmness it lacks in everyday life, especially when it comes to decision-making. A Capricorn is a great leader, and this union would do well to bring forth the fine leadership qualities that a Cancer-Leo possesses, but rarely implements due to the swinging tendency.
Although highly dependable, loyal, and disciplined, a Capricorn can also be quite fussy at times, behaving unexpectedly in a given situation. Because both of them can say that they have ‘been there and done that’, an understanding is likely to be established in this aspect. The goat is confident otherwise, but a shy socialite. Therefore, he/she wouldn’t be a threat, or, wouldn’t have any ego issues when his/her Cancer-Leo lover steals all the limelight. Possessiveness and insecurities may arise off and on, but all it would take our romantic and communicative cusp, is to exhibit some of his/her grace and passion, and all will be well. The patience and maturity of the Capricorn would serve well when our cusp behaves in an unruly manner. We won’t call them perfect all the time, but these two definitely have a lot to learn from each other, and grow in the process.
Cancer-Leo with Aquarius
Except for one aspect, to which we shall arrive in a moment, an Aquarius can find all the fun and adventure he/seeks in a relationship with a Cancer-Leo. What brings these two together is the need to help others, to achieve something greater than their existence. The water-bearer seeks eccentricity and wants to live in a life that is free of monotony. On the other hand, our cusp’s oscillating tendencies make him/her anything but monotonous! The need to socialize, interact, and the eye for creativity is what clicks initially between them. Like the Cancer-Leo, even an Aquarian tends to be unpredictable and inconsistent, and acts based on what he/she feels at the moment. While the company of an Aquarian wouldn’t do well to give our swinging sign a sense of stability, perhaps the two will just swing along from one adventure to the other.
The reason we call this union fun, yet not so promising is because of the inevitable clashes in the long run. What is most important to a water-bearer is freedom! The tendency of our cusp to be way too dependent and protective may make the water-bearer feel smothered in a relationship. This air sign isn’t the kind to take any nonsense, but would rather go further away in search of an adventure. What we’re trying to say is that if an Aquarian doesn’t get all, he/she wants nothing in a relationship. If an understanding is established in this aspect, these two are pretty much the partners in crime, fun, laughter, and more!
The signs discussed above are those that have the ability, patience, willpower, and tact to handle the volatility and intensity of a Cancer-Leo. This cusp is all about power, dominance, and ‘I-know-it-all’ mentality. Therefore, other powerful and opinionated signs―Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Taurus―are bound to clash with this personality. On the other hand, vengeful, freedom-loving, and unstable signs are also not quite apt. Yes, we have included Aquarius in the list, but with a disclaimer.
Another aspect that must be kept in mind while determining the relationship compatibility of cusp signs, is to conclude what is their dominant sign. Taking Cancer-Leo cusp as an example, one must read about the personality traits of both Cancer and Leo to see which side dominates them. Broadly, it is said that those born at the initial dates of the cusp belong to the former sign, while the later dates of the cusp phase makes one more of the latter sign. This means that those born on July 19 are more of Cancerians, while those born on July 23 are more of Leos. Having said that, it is crucial to remember that there are other determinants to your zodiac chart that influence your personality with others. All the best.