A person who is born between July 23 and August 22 belongs to the fifth zodiac sign of Leo. Admiration, attention, pride, drama, grandeur, romance – only a few words that can be associated with the personality of Leo men and the enthralling, drama- and adventure-filled, magnum opus of a life that is led by them.
Characteristics of a Leo Man
Live Life King Size
Regal – that’s the word that can be readily and unmistakably associated with Leos, especially to the men belonging to this zodiac sign. They are owners of stately, broad shoulders and a straight posture that are clear indications of their pomp and pride. Leo men are majestic people who live life emperor-size.
They believe in the good life and live every moment lavishly, marked by decadence. To understand this to the fullest extent, one must attend a party thrown by a Leonine. Everything served and presented shall be of the highest quality and will mesmerize you. The efforts taken to entertain and satiate the senses of the guests are very easily detectable. Even if the food is vegan, the dishes will be so appropriately picked and tastefully presented that complaining will hardly be an option. Music, dancing, wine, food – the opulence will overwhelm the guests most definitely.
The Socially Active One
A Leo man will seldom be seen standing meekly in a corner in a room full of people. Rather, there are very high chances that the man standing right in the middle of room with people thronging around him is a Leonine. Male Leos are exceptionally social people. They love being the one holding the attention of the entire group. And they manage to do that more often than not, given their dynamic and charismatic personalities.
They elicit respect and appreciation from their audience with élan and that is what gives them a kick like no other. They know how charming they can be and they like to see it being reflected in the eyes of their audience. And they usually manage to enamor people quite easily. However, when that does not happen, male Leos get frustrated and extremely grumpy, throwing tantrums left, right, and center. The lion is the King of the Jungle, remember? A Leo man likes to be in control of every group. Be it in office or while partying, a lion doesn’t like it when he isn’t shown enough respect or given sufficient importance.
Ego Issues
Leonines have super fragile egos that can be hurt with the smallest gestures of (intended or unintended) disrespect. And when that happens, you really do not wish to be around. Trust me. These otherwise gentle souls will transform into extremely ferocious beings who are quite difficult to deal with. You will also see the ferocious, dramatically tempestuous nature of a Leo if you try dominating him.
The Kind-Hearted Leonines
Leonine man is the most caring and chivalrous person you could ever come across. Truly. He is protective, warm, exceptionally helpful, fiercely loyal, and very, very generous. In fact, so proud is the lion of his position and so dedicated is he to his sense of responsibility towards his subjects that he will not shirk away from borrowing money in order to lend it to someone else. Saying a no and losing face is not really much of an option for him. And yes, it is considered a loss of face by him.
Responsible Leo Men
Natural born leaders, you will never see a Leo man shirking responsibility when crisis befalls. He will bravely maneuver his family and friends out of trouble and will be awe-inspiring in his manner of waging a war single-handedly. Now this does not necessarily indicate that Leo men are devoid of any fear. That is most definitely not the case. But their sense of responsibility towards their duty to protect their near and dear ones trumps all fear factors.
So the following quote from “The Princess Diaries” is very true in the case of male Leonines,
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all. From now on you’ll be traveling the road between who you think you are and who you can be. The key is to allow yourself to make the journey.
The Perfectionists
Ruled by the sun, Leo men see either black or white. They do not see shades of gray anywhere. Every emotion is dramatic and extreme – be it grief, joy, love, hatred, enthusiasm, or anger. Either you’re there or you aren’t there. They have very little patience for the “almost there” status quo. And it is this extremism that can be clearly detected in the manner they own people around them – parents, siblings, spouse, friends, their team, and everybody else they consider themselves to be close to.
People belong to them. They do everything in their power to keep these people happy. Indulgence is exhibited to the highest possible extent. You will be loved, attended to, protected from all possible dangers, spoiled with gifts, kept emotionally satiated; however, this comes with a price – the price of being owned. Like their love, their sense of possession is also extreme. You are answerable to them and it is not always vice versa. The King does not answer to anyone, everyone answers to the King. And the slightest sign of rebellion will and most definitely will stir the wrath of the lion. This is one of the most vital reasons why Leonines end up losing out on a lot of people in their lifetime. No one likes to remain in a cage even if it is made of gold and grandly done up. This also opens them up for attracting parasitic exploiters who live off their money and thrive in reflected glory. Flattery pleases Leo men to no fathomable extent and this often costs him a lot of monetary heartburn. He falls prey to insincere compliments rather easily and ends up splurging on people who really should be kept away from. The true friends of a Leonine will always know how to be around the man without compromising on their own dignity.
Taking Up Challenges
Like the sun, these sun-ruled men believe in making the world go around them. They are steadfast, rock solid. They are exceptionally unwavering when it comes to their beliefs. Their tenacity is mind-boggling and given their broad outlook and perspective, they usually achieve their goals no matter how challenging. In fact, the more challenging, the better. The King never follows, he initiates. And a Leo man’s zest, drive to accomplish, and control over things keep the motivation levels rather hig
Romance Talks
When it comes to romance, a Leo is a Prince Charming incarnate. He will woo in style that you may have read about in books or watched on the silver screen. Extravagance and sophistication are two words that will surround you throughout the wooing period and afterwards. If their soft, big brown eyes cannot melt your heart, their crazy histrionics just to win your heart surely will. Barney Stinson ALWAYS gets the YES! and so does a Leo man with his heart set on a suitable mate.
Lions pull out all stops when they are wooing and courting. Since a lion detests being without a mate, he does everything in his power to make the girl who has caught his eye his as soon as possible. He is the last one who will shirk commitment. He will consider and talk of going the whole nine with the girl he chooses from the day she consents to be his partner. Limited period offers are not his style.
If you have ever seen a single Leo man in your life, his dismal appearance will convince you of this fact. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean that a lion will choose the next passing female as his mate. A lion only chooses a worthy lioness who lives up to his high standards. She doesn’t necessarily have to be pretty like a nymph, but she most definitely has to be presentable and stylish like him. Since a Leo man is always dressed and groomed well, he expects his mate to turn a few heads when she passes by. She has to be someone who is intelligent, good at listening, patient, well-mannered, social, balanced, sympathetic, and non-judgmental. The thing is that not only does a Leo man seek out these qualities in his mate, any woman who isn’t anything like this will suffer greatly around this man.
He doesn’t mind if you have a mind of your own. In fact, he won’t look at you if you don’t, but he will need you to understand and make way for his need to everything that is going on around him and his innate characteristic to control things. His gentle soul and deep love for his partner does make him yield to the desire of his better half when she makes the effort to ask him politely and express how strongly she wants something to happen in a particular way. The warm heart of the big cat will then melt in no time at all. But, try to force something down his throat and you will be flared and snared at rather scathingly. And since a Leo man seldom exaggerates or understates his emotions, especially when angry, his words won’t be pretty or easily swallow-able. He may fall prey to flattery once in a while but have no misconceptions about the fact that people belonging to this zodiac sign are very intelligent and astute creatures. Don’t think you will get away with manipulation. Rather, be genuine and ask him for something. He will appreciate your faith in his love and rationalizing abilities.
Possessiveness Talks
The part about Leonines being possessive multiplies manifold when it comes to the romantic partner. Leo men are paranoid about losing out on their partner to another man. A Leo lover is completely capable of throwing a sudden party just so that he can invite all your friends over and get to know them. Don’t misunderstand, he will not mistreat them at all. In fact, your friends will leave for the night all starry-eyed and mesmerized by him.
He will play the dream host to all of them and your girlfriends will be jealous of you by the end of just one evening. But, the man has to know who it is that you keep as company and just for that can he go through so much trouble. Gauging potential danger and competition makes him alert and allows him to know who to shield and keep you away from. The intent isn’t malicious. It stems from his need to keep the love of his life near him at all times. It prepares him for combat when threatened. Keep in mind, and I really cannot emphasize on this enough – refrain from flirting with another man in front of your Leo lover in a bid to make the lion jealous. Yes, he will get jealous, but it is what will happen after he gets jealous is extremely undesirable. A Leo man will happily indulge in a physical confrontation in order to mark his territory. Do not provoke his wrath in manners such as this. You will burn your hand in rather unwanted ways.
Yes, he does calm down a tad after tying the knot with the woman of his dreams. But that certainly doesn’t mean that the fire within is extinguished. It will flare up and burn whenever there are signs of danger lurking. A Leo man wishes to become a part of every aspect of his woman’s life. And I mean everything. So if you are one of the “I need my space” type women, this man will drive you up the wall and vice versa. He will have an opinion about everything that is a part of your life. Tact and patience are the two things that will help you greatly when dealing with a Leo spouse. Otherwise, he will love you like the man you wished upon a star. He will spoil you, support you, hug you when you need emotional backup, and be a rock solid yet loving father to your children, albeit with a healthy dose of authority. Leo men feel it is their responsibility to take care of the education and career of their offspring.
So, a responsible son, a devoted lover and husband, a balanced and encouraging father, a loyal and helpful friend, a dedicated, driven, innovative, and intelligent employee/boss – Leo men are truly wonderful human beings to have around. They are humorous and grand orators who can entertain and enlighten you at the same time. Their exalted outlook has much to teach if you place your ego aside and care to study their thoughts and ideas for a moment. They are slaves to their innate instinct to dominate, but since everyone else is not, efforts taken to gauge the positive elements that these individuals have to offer prove fruitful more often than not.