Whether you’re into astrology or not, you’ve probably seen the term Mercury retrograde floating around the internet here and there. And for the most part, it’s always negative. People tend to get into the habit of blaming Mercury for all of their problems (ok – I’m guilty too), but what most people don’t understand is that Mercury retrograde isn’t all that bad. Honestly, it’s what you make of it, & can even be a good thing. Today, we’re going to break it all down for you in the simplest terms of what it is, what you can expect to feel when it’s around, & how you can make the most of it.
Before we talk about Mercury in particular, what even is a planetary retrograde?
Almost sounding like a term out of a Star Wars movie, a retrograde in the simplest term is best described as the appearance of planetary movement in reverse. So, in this case, it appears that Mercury is orbiting backward (even when it’s not). This causes a massive energetic shift that can cause us to channel our inner crazy (don’t deny it, I see you, girl). While science denies any claim of this having any actual affect us, the fact that it seems to cause chaos in all of our lives at once seems a little too coincidental. You can also learn more about planetary symbols, what they represent, & how they affect us on our post here.
How does Mercury affect us? And how can we combat it?
As we mentioned above, many people claim that every time mercury, in particular, goes in retrograde, their life becomes a living hell. Relationships tend to end at this time, people are flooded with negative energy, & it just seems like nothing is going right. Now, there may be a little more to this than what people think. Here are three things Mercury retrograde is believed to do & 3 ways to can combat it.
1 ) Think before you speak
What many people don’t know is that Mercury is the planet of communication. When Mercury moves in reverse, communication can be tough, things can be misinterpreted, & words can come out much harsher than what is intended. This is the reason why so many people struggle with relationships at this time, as communication is the sole basis of a successful relationship. Thinking before you speak, & separating this confusing energy shift from your own energy will help you to avoid unnecessary arguments or breakups. This is important to remember as we move through this sensitive period, as everyone around you may start to act a bit strange. Don’t take it personal, & just remember that everything isn’t as bad as you think. In other words, have a snickers & cool your jets! You can also learn more about how Mercury retrograde can affect relationships on wellandgood.com.
2 ) Keep Your Head in The Present
Something else that Mercury retrograde tends to do is bring back energy from the past. For the obvious reason that Mercury is moving in reverse, it will bring you to a standstill, & may cause you to dwell on things of your past when you’d otherwise be moving forward. This can cause severe self-doubt, loss of motivation, & overall depression. But before you go running back to your horrible ex, remember why you left certain things in the past to begin with, & how your life has changed since then. Remember to keep your eyes fixed upon your goals & dreams & keep busy! This will help you to dodge this depressing energy all-together, & keep you productive working on all of your ambitions. You go, girl!
3 ) Take a Break from Technology
And lastly, you may experience a lot of technical issues during this time. This may include issues with your phone, computer, or internet. This also has to do with the power that Mercury has over our communication, as everyone communicates with their phones these days. Don’t worry, it won’t be here forever, but it doesn’t hurt back up any important files just in case. Doing a technology cleanse while Mercury is in retrograde is never a bad idea to avoid this energy altogether!
Overall, there are many ways to survive Mercury retrograde & make the most of it, but we feel these are the top 3. If you’re looking for more guidance on how to survive this sensitive time, we strongly suggest checking out the Survival Guide to Mercury Retrograde by Spiritual Gangster for more tips & tricks!