Scorpio, the zodiac sign with the picture of a scorpion ready to sting, is the eighth sign of the zodiac cycle. Scorpio males are exciting, profound, wild and fascinating companions. Dating a Scorpio man is a real challenge, as Scorpio men are very unpredictable.
A Scorpio man is one of the most mysterious and misunderstood man of all the zodiac signs. A Scorpio male can be very complex, which makes it very hard to interpret his emotions, thus making it more difficult to understand him. Scorpio men are very intense and deep people, and in order to carry on any type of relationship with them, it is essential to first understand them.
The Scorpio Man
A Scorpio man, with a strange mixture of practicality and emotionality, is one of the most magnetic personalities in the Zodiac. He is passionate about his career, life, any hobby, religion and intimacy. A Scorpio in love is the most romantic but an equally demanding partner as well. Scorpio men can be very caring and sensitive, but at the same time they are also very possessive.
Though a Scorpio man exhibits a cool, unruffled exterior, he hides qualities like stubbornness and determination, deep within. They also have a lot of pride and ego and guard their individuality very jealously. A Scorpio man believes in living life to the fullest and hence often indulges in activities of luxury. Though he will have certain negative traits of being over-possessive, a Scorpio man can be a very loving partner, who is considerate about your ambitions as well.
Tips for Dating a Scorpio Male
Being in a relationship with a Scorpio can be a heaven or hell of an experience, it’s all in your hands. If the man you are dating is a Scorpio, then you can be sure that you are into a relationship that you are bound not to forget. Get ready for an unforgettable and fascinating experience of dating a Scorpio man by using these simple tips:
~ You need to be familiar with your man, before you take a step forward, so that you don’t make the wrong moves. Just as he is passionate, loyal, resourceful and observant, your Scorpio can also be suspicious, manipulative and unyielding. So handle your guy with care, so as not to trigger this negative side of his.
~ Never play with a Scorpio’s feelings, as he always keeps his true emotions and feelings to himself and does not easily disclose them.
~ Avoid being over-sentimental or mushy over little things when your man is around, as nothing irritates him more than this. Also remember that, your man is very fragile and sensitive, so always hold your tongue and speak only after thinking.
~ A Scorpio man tends to be moody at times, so do not nag him about this attitude of his, as he himself is confused about his emotions. In spite of this, remember to treat him well and make him feel that he is someone very special to you.
~ Though Scorpios are very easy to handle, they are very possessive and won’t tolerate any woman taking a lead in anything. So, if you are dating a Scorpio man, just play it safe and let him go according to his plans, as a Scorpio man can never go wrong with his plans.
~ Don’t give him a chance to be jealous and you can expect to have a selfless and loving partner. Look again and you’ll definitely find your guy’s personality irresistible.
~ When it comes to dating a Scorpio , honesty is the best policy. Be honest to your man and tell him what you truly feel or what you are currently thinking about. Your being frank and telling him what’s going on in your mind, will not go unappreciated.
~ Assure him of your love and faithfulness, but never let him dominate you. Underneath their odd exteriors, Scorpios also crave for understanding and kindness.
Dating a Scorpio can be really exciting, and if you know the right moves and techniques, then Bingo! He’s yours forever! Use these dating tips and woo your alpha male.
So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and enjoy dating this bundle of surprises. (Oops! I mean a Scorpio man.)