We all love to ponder about what our future holds. Whether it’s by dreaming of our life in 5 years, looking at our horoscope every day, or even visiting a psychic. The future is a mystery, and truly anything is possible, and that’s what makes it so special. Thus, many people are drawn to tarot readings for a more in-depth look into their future. But to be honest, not everyone has time or money to get a tarot reading done by a psychic. And for that reason, we wanted to show you how to do a free tarot reading at home. This is going to be an intuitive overview of events to come presented through a 3-card reading. So, if you’re reading to see what your future holds, let’s dive in & get started.
Free Tarot Reading
To start, the best and most accurate way to do a tarot reading online is for you to pick a number from 1-3. This will help you to make an unbiased decision and will overall provide you a more accurate reading. The best way to do this is to sit quietly for a moment and make your choice out of those three numbers based on an intuitive pull to them. I will then present the meaning below, and you can see how it connects with your own unique path individually. Alternatively, you can also make your own tarot cards if you want to give yourself a reading from home with our how-to article here.
Card 1: Son of Wands
To start, the first card pulled was the Son of Wands, which signifies confidence, charm, and assurance. This card suggests that you are very confident and maybe a little cocky and arrogant in your life. You tend to have the “I do what I want” attitude in life and hold your head up high. While being confident is never a bad thing, cockiness is another story.
This card shows that this individual does not live in the present. In fact, they tend to look straight ahead, past all red flags, not thinking about consequences along the way. It tells that they don’t usually have a backup plan and tend to rely on one goal working for them. This person is carefree, always seeking, and never stays in the same place for too long. Thus, the card suggests that this individual be more present & enjoy life a little more. It’s time to start learning from others, understanding life deeper, and living in the moment more, or you may miss out on a plethora of opportunities in your life.
Card 2: Two of Wands
Next, the Two of Wands card represents determination and direction. It signifies that you have found a goal that you are focused on and are on your way to success. Alternatively, since the mind heavily influences the wand’s suit, you may be preventing yourself from chasing a goal because of pessimistic thinking. This card tells you that you need to let go of control, go with the flow, and allow yourself to trust in the process more. You know the right direction, and it’s time to start listening to your intuition and following it. For a more in-depth look into this card’s meaning and others, be sure to check out our article on the complete list of tarot card meanings here.
Card 3: Ace of Pentacles
And lastly, if you were drawn to the Ace of Pentacles, new beginnings are coming. This signifies a very prosperous & bountiful journey ahead. If there’s a trip you’ve been considering or a business venture you’ve been thinking on, now is the time for action. Overall, forward movement right now will never be a bad thing, so go forth & chase your dreams. You will be rewarded with an enlightening & powerful new adventure, so what are you waiting for?
In conclusion, although this free tarot reading was brief, we hope it will help to give you an insight into interpreting tarot readings. Stay tuned for more free tarot readings here on AstrologyBay and more helpful insights for your journey ahead. And for more free tarot readings & horoscopes, be sure to check out Tarot.com for additional insights into your future.