Each month brings new opportunities & experiences for each month, depending on the zodiacs sign that we’re in. As we move into May, we move into the powerful energy of the Taurus & the Gemini, bringing us into a significant transition period. Despite all else, May asks us to look at how far we’ve come. It also asks us to stay humble & grounded while we work to improve our lives. Although each sign will ultimately be affected by this in both positive & negative ways, we’re going to touch on the May horoscope predictions for each zodiac sign, & how we can all make the most of it.
You may have been feeling a little all over the place late, Aquarius. Some days it seems like you’ve got it all figured out, & other days you feel very lost. The main thing May will bring you is a better balance in your life. Often you either overexert yourself or don’t make any move at all. This lifestyle isn’t healthy, & requires you to find more stability to succeed. The energies of May will help direct you to a place where you feel motivated always. This will help to get you thinking & moving, & it will be a much-needed change.
People look up to you, Pisces. With all the crazy global changes & fear around the world right now, people feel lost more than ever. But you Pisces, you seem to have it all figured out. You’ve created a pretty good balance in your life & it shows. For this reason, you’ve been named a leader by many, & someone who inspires others. This month, keep that energy alive as people need it now more than ever. Maybe there are other ways you can help bring joy to the world this month? Keep up the great work.
It’s time to transform, Aries. The energies of May are lending way to a bigger & better you. New opportunities, new aspirations, & new goals will arise. Likely, you’ve even been wishing for these moments. Regardless, it’s time to embrace all that’s coming at you with open arms. Better things are on the way, & they’re going to make you stronger than ever. It’s going to be beautiful. For more horoscopes predictions we may not have covered, be sure to check out Wise Horocope’s article, “May 2020 Monthly Predictions” for more.
You are your own biggest critic, Taurus. You’re constantly feeling like you’re not doing enough in all aspects of your life. But it’s not true; in fact, you are one of the hardest workers around. For this reason, the energies of May are asking you to slow down & learn to love yourself more. This is the perfect opportunity to take the time to appreciate yourself & look at your accomplishments. Look at how far you’ve come instead of how far you have to go. Practice self-love & remind yourself how incredible you are. You go Taurus.
In addition, since we are in the season of the Taurus/Gemini, be sure to check out Women’s Health Mags’ piece, “Taurus Season 2020 – & How it Affects Your Zodiac” for additional info on energies you may feel.
Your 2020 has been quite a rollercoaster, Gemini. Somedays, you feel like the king of the world. Other days you feel down, broken, & depressed. And while things recently may have seemed down with no turnaround in sight, you’re finally starting to feel better about life. You’re realizing now that while everything may not always work out as we plan, everything will fall into place. Find ways to keep your dreams alive & work towards them every day, even in the smallest of ways. Only then will you truly know peace.
Alternatively, because we’re talking about the Taurus/Gemini cusp, you can learn more about the powerful energy happening now in our article, “Personality Traits of the Very Dynamic Taurus/Gemini Cusps.”
This year has been particularly challenging for you, Cancer, especially throughout the spring. Because you’re such an empathic sign, you’ve felt a lot more stress & anxiety lately with all the fear around the world with the current situation. It may even have you down & exhausted on an energy level even, which has you feeling sad. For this reason, it’s important to take a moment to yourself this month. It’s time to make you a priority & not overexert yourself like you’re used to doing. Take care of yourself, Cancer – you bring so much magic to this world, & we need you now more than ever.
May is the perfect month for you to work on your goals, Leo. You seem to be full of motivation & creative ideas right now & it’s time to let those energies flow. This month, pick a goal & work toward that goal & that goal alone. If you try to take on too many projects at once, you’ll wind up frustrated & exhausted. If you’re unsure of where to start, challenge yourself to get creative in ways you never have before. Try a new hobby & watch your inspiration soar!
Changes are on the horizon for you, Virgo. You may have been feeling like nothing around you make sense & you’re living with clouded vision lately. But finally, things are starting to look up & make sense again. You’ve been going through a massive change already, & your next step is coming. Don’t worry; it’s necessary for enlightenment. Align yourself with your purpose & trust the process. Don’t fight it, just let it come naturally & you’ll be just fine.
It’s time for you to have some fun, Libra. 2020 has seemed to have been weighing on you lately. You’ve become very strict with what you can do, what you have to do, & what is not allowed. While it is good to set boundaries, living with such a need for control can be very toxic & frustrating. Instead, release that need for control & work on doing something fun. Be spontaneous, go with the flow, & trust the process a little much. Trust us; it will be very rewarding & enlightening that for you.
This month is a great month to delve deeper within, Scorpio. You’ve already been feeling it; the need for rejuvenation & relaxation, & you’ve been pretty good about doing it already. But if the month of May is telling you anything, it’s that you need to keep doing it. Separate yourself from things that exhaust you & don’t align with your purpose. Take time to delve deeper into your thoughts & goals & work on yourself overall. If you do this, you will come out of this month stronger than ever.
You seem to have a lot of fire lately, Sagittarius. Whether it’s because you’ve been cooped up a lot or because something’s bothering you emotionally, you’ve been a little snappy. And while that’s ok sometimes, it’s important to not get sucked into heated conversations or arguments right now. Keep to yourself more & just stay out of it. Feeding into this negative energy will take you off your path & bring you into a depressive state. Change is coming. Work on creating a positive space in the world instead of a negative one.
And lastly, you’ve had some powerful enlightenment lately, Cap. Whether it’s been a gut feeling, a dream, or just a need for change, you’re aligning very well with your purpose. If you’ve been stuck in a relationship or career you’re no longer happy in, the energy around you is urging you to make a change & act on it. Trust the process, let things happen, & just go with it. You deserve to be happy, Cap.