They say, all veils would melt away to display the wonders within if one knows his way with numbers. The power of numbers is undeniable. Everything runs on numbers. And numerology is the numerical wing of divination that is fascinating par excellence. Some numbers can cohabit together and some should not, for the society to keep functioning sanely.
Remember Arithmancy? The subject Hermione aced (along with most others she studied) at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? She drew up complex charts to study the mystical properties and vibrations of numbers in order to perform numeric divination. In the real life muggle world, numerology is Arithmancy.
Well, the word “Arithmancy” is derived from the Greek arithmos that means numbers and manteia that means divination. Simply put together, Arithmancy is the art of predicting the future with the help of numbers. And numerology is the same ancient science of numbers.
With numerology, one seeks to explain his basic impulses and drives, by converting details such as the name and the date of birth into numerical values. This is also used to explain compatibility within relationships.
All numbers have certain characteristics and are friendly or unfriendly with other numbers. With this information, one can understand his relationships better, and can gain an understanding of each other’s nature. Some form of guidance can be sought to build and maintain certain relationships.
The Life Path Number
According to numerology, personality and compatibility can be analyzed using different methods of numerical calculations, based on the life path number, birth date, name, destiny number, etc. However, the one based on the life path number is the most popular and widely used method. Before taking a look at the compatibility between different numbers, it is essential to know your life path number. The following is the method used for calculating it.
In case the person is born on September 13, 1988, one has to add up all the digits: 1 + 3 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 8 which sums up to 39. The total should again be added (3 + 9 = 12 and 1 + 2 = 3) to come to a single digit number which is 3. Therefore, the life path number of the given person is 3. You can calculate your own life path number using this method, and find your personality traits and compatibility. Now, let us take a look at numerology number compatibility.
Numbers, their Meanings, and Affinities
For the purposes of numerology, the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are the basic digits that all other numbers (barring 11, 22, and 33) must be brought down to through summation. Given below is a summary of what each of these numbers stand for, and the numbers that they are compatible or incompatible with.
1 is perfect with 1, 5, and 7; fairly compatible with 2, 3, and 9; and not so great with 4, 6, and 8.
One is the number of singularity. Power, ambition, control, dominance, skill, willpower, drive, excellence, a killer instinct to crush competition fair and square and reach the summit – these are only a few of the hundred words that can be used to describe number Ones. “Excelsior” is their primary instinct and their need to succeed equals their need for speed. They absolutely detest laziness and procrastination as much as they abhor following others. They initiate and people follow. It’s not the other way round. These people are born leaders and always love to be in charge of things. They are ambitious and work hard to reach their goals. These individuals are active, full of energy, courageous, and independent. They are serious about and driven by their goals and aims in life. They are exceptional strategists who just have to win every battle in life – no matter how small the issue or non-issue is. Romantically, these people are princes and princesses charming who are not even in disguise. Their deeply imprinted need to achieve perfection in every single thing goads them to attain perfection at being the ideal lover as well. They sweep you off your feet and pull tricks right out of some of the best works in romance. Even then they add their own little authentic touch to these tricks. They love and spoil and shield their partners in every possible way they can. However, it is the first priority of a number One to succeed professionally and, therefore, these people sometimes keep away from romantic liaisons even if they are deeply attracted to someone. The chord attaching the brain and the heart is interrupted consciously. But once they find the one worth risking their lives for, they are naughty and bold and dynamic like the Devil himself and their bag of tricks will mesmerize you every single time. They will pick you up when you are down and motivate you to no end. Their love will be all-encompassing, gentle, and fairy tale-like. They will push you to pursue and achieve success in as supportive a manner as possible. Their method of staying ahead is not by bringing others down. Then there is no challenge to it. They like championing battles between equals.
However, these people are quite opinionated and very difficult to convince. This makes them appear stubborn and self-centered more often than not. When they feel that they are stuck in a relationship that they aren’t enjoying, they will disappear like Houdini. Their tempers are legendary and in a fit of rage, they are capable of saying almost anything to their partners. Their words cut deeply and sometimes the damage is irreparable. These people are exceptionally egoistical when it comes to confrontations. They are also known to be quite manipulative when dealing with a difficult situation with their partners. For instance, if their partners are not heeding to their demands – no matter how unfair they are – they will withhold sexual intimacy and distance themselves physically as a form of punishment. On the other hand, if it is the partner who is chagrined and needs persuasion, they will employ sexual maneuvers to bring him/her around. Their vehemence to get their way is off-putting at times. They exude arrogance like no one else can and their boasting sessions are really, really annoying.
2 is terrific with 2, 4, and 8; quite compatible with 1, 3, 6, and 9; while should keep away from numbers 5 and 7.
Two is the number of duality, co-operation, emotion, intuition, secrecy, and diplomacy. These individuals are known to be the most harmonious ones of the lot. They are balanced and friendly. Their cooperative nature makes them very popular with people. They are visionaries and hence, make excellent team players. Their foresight is laudable. They are the guardians of peace. They restore and maintain harmony wherever they possibly can. Acrimony is something they abhor and must drive out immediately. These loyal beings are keepers. When they say they love someone, they mean it to the hilt. Not even the Almighty can negate it. They welcome their lovers with a sensitive and open outlook and seldom judge people in a baseless manner. They are compassionate and sympathetic listeners who approach every situation with grace and poise. They strongly believe that there is always a way out. They think with their hearts. They enjoy being in relationships and being single sort of depresses them. Morality matters a great deal to them and very rarely do they deter from that path. They are exceptionally supportive of every endeavor their partners wish to pursue and their genuine faith is extremely reassuring. They are generous and romantic and expect reciprocation. Keep in mind, the need to be sexually together stems from emotional closeness for a number Two. If there is no emotional bonding, you will meet an aloof, cold, and frigid individual in bed who will not heed to your demands if you do not heed to his/her emotional need to connect.
On the flip side, these individuals can be nervous and diplomatic. They are so afraid to hurt other people, they usually keep quiet about what they truly feel about a situation. Their entire concentration seems to be on comforting the other person and not really stating the entire truth. This unfortunately comes across as fake and patronizing to most people. Also, taking in so much from other people proves to be physically stressful for most Twos. They do not know where to stop and definitely not where to vent.
3 is naturally built to be with 3, 6, and 9; is compatible to a good extent with 1, 2, and 5; and incompatible with 4, 7, and 8.
Three is the number of creation, expression, love, affection, and family life. These are happy-go-lucky individuals. They are highly creative, independent, witty in a manner that their jokes make you laugh and give you fodder for reflection at the same time (a Three I know officially coined a sentence like: What do you mean you aren’t sure? You can either be pregnant or not be pregnant. You cannot possibly be slightly pregnant!). They are full of original ideas and have varied interests. The number 3 vibration renders them intellectually stimulated to the extent of fretting when they cannot express and channelize their creative pangs. Their excellent communication skills – verbal and written – and charming nature makes them popular with people. Their signature smile that is capable of lighting up a room the moment they walk in and those twinkling peepers are well renowned and so is their loyalty. They are living embodiments of the phrase joie de vivre. They like stability in life and paradigm shifts disturb them. So, sticking to one partner (once he/she has been discovered) isn’t a problem at all. However, they have these unbelievably passionate and obsessive sprees one after the other wherein they start obsessing about a particular public figure or a particular concept or specific genre in literature or almost anything and literally spend days dissecting each living moment of that person or every little detail about the subject. They exhume the dead if they have to in order to satiate their absolute need to know EVERYTHING about their at-the-moment apple of the eye. A friend of mine went from Neil Patrick Harris to Agatha Christie to only horror movies to Neil Gaiman to shoes of every color and make to Telugu movies to Alfred Hitchcock to Sheldon Cooper (not Jim Parsons) to Gene Kelly musicals to Christopher Nolan one after the other and she was equally and annoyingly ardent about each of these subjects. It was like she could think of absolutely nothing else. In real life however, the one man or woman stays put in their hearts. These are romantic creatures who go whole nine when it comes to amour.
Their negative attributes include excessive criticism, exaggeration of the truth, and impatience. When they get moody, they can vent their spleen in a rather curt and not-so-sugar-coated manner. They are also far, far away from spending money judiciously and, therefore, sometimes have a really strong vibe of utterly altruistic, superficial, and devil-may-care attitude about them. Living for the moment is their thing and even though these idealistic beings are superbly optimistic about a beautiful roses and champagne future, they feel that things will work out on their own. Nothing needs to be done about it proactively. Whatever you do, you do to make your life beautiful today. This makes them sinfully luxury-loving and pleasure-seeking in most cases. They will toil endlessly to earn their money and then won’t think for a moment before spending it all away. They enjoy being spoiled by their partners and believe in reciprocating the favors. They are also known for their dramatic outbursts whether joyous or grievous and it is actually a way for them to deal with the continual rushes of overwhelming emotions surging through their bodies. They physically live every emotion they feel and that is exactly how these emotions manifest. They seldom have any respect for societal or lifestyle norms and, therefore, discipline is a word well tucked away to avoid encounter on a daily basis.
4 is great with 2, 4, and 8; quite good with 6 and 7; but should avoid numbers 1, 3, 5, and 9.
Four is the number of stability, discipline, methodical nature, intellectual capability, humility, practicality, determination, and modesty. These individuals are known for their ability to endure rigorous toil. They make excellent organizers due to their hardworking and steadfast nature. These people do not expect anything as a reward for their hard work. Working honestly and to the best of their ability is the most rewarding experience to them. They also like people around them to be equally hardworking. They love to stretch their personal limits. They hate untidiness and cannot function properly in unkempt surroundings. Discipline is something they CANNOT compromise with. They are exceptionally scrupulous people who do not own even half a diplomatic bone in their bodies. In fact, it is their transparency and lack of tact that can land them in soup. Their honesty can unintentionally be hurtful and prove derogatory for themselves. They are extremely reliable partners who are devoted for life. Casual flings are unacceptable to them. They do not understand or believe in makeshift arrangements. They are keepers who sniff out keepers. The home of a number Four is his/her shrine and it has to be an impeccably-maintained, cozy, and warm den. If the house of a Four is dirty, rest-assured that something is bothering the daylights out of him/her. They are suckers for knowledge and you will never find a number Four backing out of a productive conversation. They do everything in their power to keep their families happy with extreme honesty. Shortcuts are something they keep a safe distance from.
On the flip side, these individuals can sometimes be so very logical that emotions seem to be completely absent in them. This is what often leads to arguments with their partners because they cannot judge where to draw the line and cut the logic out. Emotions are not driven by logic. Fours really need help grasping that sometimes. A Four can seldom loosen up to an extent where emotions take over completely and only a very loving partner can help him get to a stage like that.
5 is awesome with 1, 5, 7, and 8; quite great with 3 and 9; and should keep away from 2, 4, and 6.
Five is the number of travel, communication, new experiences, change, and freedom. If elements were assigned to numbers, this one would have the wind assigned to it. Number Fives seek freedom and the liberty to make choices like wild birds. They won’t necessarily avail of the options, they just need to have them. Liberty is non-negotiable to these beings and anybody who wishes to be with a number Five should make peace with it. They love their freedom over anything, and are adventurous. They want to experience everything, they want to live each day like it is their last, they wish to impregnate every moment with a memory as they pass. If a number Five enters a competition, winning would not matter to him as much as sustaining till the last stage would. They can come in second and still feel fulfilled that they had the opportunity to experience EVERYTHING that the contest had to offer. People having number five as their life path number are versatile and mutable. It would be wrong to deduce that these people are antisocial or reclusive by nature. That is most definitely not the case as they love having people around them and sharing the stories of their adventurous escapades. What they seek is personal space or rather the liberty to be by themselves when they want to. For example, it is not that a woman belonging to this number will not want to cook for her family everyday. She will love to whip up the most exquisite gastronomical delights for her family. But that one evening when she doesn’t want to, nobody must push her into doing it. The moment she realizes that she doesn’t have the freedom to not cook for a single day, it will become a routine (read “RUT”) for her and she will genuinely start detesting the activity with a vengeance. She is a free spirit, remember? She likes to do things because she wants to and not because she has to. Nothing gives these people a caged feeling more than banality. They let other people do their own things too. So, asking for their own space is definitely not wrong to them. They do not like being smothered in any relationship, not just a romantic one. They seek a companion who will at least understand their need to take a break from the everyday, if not mirror the instinct. If they are not stifled, they turn out to be one of the most passionate and loyal mates one can find. They don’t even mind having children for they get to instill the same adventurous and curious attitude in the young ones. They want to be in relationships for they get lonely otherwise. They are choosy about being in one that lets them exercise their free will quite frequently.
Their negative traits include their sarcastic and overtly authoritative nature when they feel claustrophobic. They tend to be very aggressive and need to slow down a bit. Sometimes, they deliberately keep themselves from shouldering responsibilities just to maintain their autonomy. This mostly happens because these people can often not see the fine line between being responsible and being coerced. Their constant need to be set free does go overboard sometimes. The constant need for change can often render them fickle. If they loose touch with reality and the ability to harness their pangs to fly away all the time, things can spiral out of control irreparably.
6 is perfectly compatible with 3, 6, and 9; quite well-matched with 2, 4, and 8; and should avoid 1, 5, and 7.
Six is the number of rewards for hard work, harmony, community relations, beauty, and rhythm. These individuals are peaceful and compassionate. They have a nurturing nature and a constant desire for good will of others. They enthrall people with their charm and creativity. They are popular for giving advice and for always being there for those in need. They go out of their way to help and satisfy others. They seldom place themselves first. It is like these people are genetically coded to fend for the needs of others more than their own (even in bed). These people have very high standards set for themselves as well as everybody else. They are sensible beings who can be naïve in the sense that they only let the good in people to filter through their senses at first. They remain oblivious to the follies of other people until they fall on their faces and that usually happens after they have invested quite a bit emotionally in others. They are too quick to place others on pedestals out of excessive and unrealistic faith in their abilities. They give others the benefit of doubt. This happens in an all the more exaggerated manner when a Six falls in love. All they see is their lover on a high plinth for the longest time. They fawn over their beloved 24 x 7 and the idolization happens to such an extent that the lover loses all his human qualities and becomes a God. And then when he/she falls from his/her eyes, the tumble’s as bad as Satan’s fall from Heaven! This is very unfair because it often results in the person who never asked to be placed on the pedestal in the first place getting hurt because the Six then feels a sudden absence of emotional feelings for him/her. So, someone else ends up getting distressed because of someone else’s expectations. So, both become victims here and it ends in a bad way. However, Sixes are known to be exceptionally warm lovers who like rescuing their beloved. The detest being rescued themselves for they like to envision themselves as rather cavalier beings, perfectly in control of their situation in life (not always true, but in their heads they are in command).
Sixes make for excellent listeners (the best in the business) and terrific counselors. They can easily place themselves in other people’s shoes and become at one with their problems. This is what gives them such clarity of vision when offering soothing and compassionate words to comfort. Here’s the irony of the entire setup though, even though Sixes are the best shoulders you can find yourself to cry upon, they find it excruciatingly difficult to communicate what they are feeling within. They feel it’s too much to burden someone else with their woes. They do not like obligations of any sort and this sometimes makes them aggressive and cranky for the pressure which is seldom vented becomes too much to handle. The other negative aspect is of course the fact that people can gauge that Sixes have issues of their own that they are not tackling and yet they go out of their way to solve the problems of others. So, these efforts taken to help others are viewed as meddlesome and controlling. Sixes, therefore, often earn the tag of type A control freaks. Their ability to take control of any situation adds to this image. People often do not like hearing the absolute truth. A Six calling a spade exactly that is not received genially most of the time for then it sounds critical and self-righteous – more so because people view a Six as someone who would not judge. That’s the image a Six creates consciously – a compassionate, sympathetic, and dependable person. Someone who will cushion the blow and buffer the pain. So the moment the clarity of mind takes over and a Six becomes objective, the truth becomes too much for the other party to handle because that wasn’t something he/she expected when seeking help from a Six. All in all, building channels to get through to a Six intimately and keeping the romance alive is the way to maintain a perfectly harmonious relationship forever.
7 is friendly with 1, 5, and 7; fairly compatible with 4; and does not get along with 2, 3, 6, 8, and 9.
Seven is the number of intellect, culture, invention, responsibility, and philosophy. People with number seven as their life path number are thoughtful and reserved. They have a spiritual outlook and often come across as deep thinkers. They are also very independent and cautious. They seek knowledge and knowledge alone can set them free. They let nothing come in the way of their quest for knowledge. They respond to the calling of the soul and the soul can only be set free when the shackles of a materialistic life are successfully kept at bay. They are not unemotional people, mind you. They are in fact, absolutely in touch with inner emotions and sentiments. They understand compassion and love and the value of dreams. Their dreams are the fuel they use to live. Their deep connection to their inner selves is what they use to seek profound spiritual answers that will help them attain moksha or get them closer to the ultimate truth. To them, everyone who enters their life does so for a specific purpose and when that purpose is served, they must move on to continue with the next part of the grand sojourn that is life. They must flow like the water until then and nothing can stop them from doing so. They are mesmerizing with the people they meet. Falling in love with them is the easiest thing in the world. They will love you too. But their love is like setting a bird free from its cage. Until they have found the spiritual liberation they seek, settling down isn’t an option whatsoever. Mundane domesticity bores them. They will only commit to someone when they find an intellectual match who soars with them and opens up new doors for them to explore. They are married to solitude and so never really feel the urge to find any other mate for themselves. Water soothes them and nature is their playground with hidden and mystical treasures to be discovered everywhere. They pulsate in tandem with the rhythm of nature and attainment of a higher degree of awareness and intellectual evolution is all they pursue throughout their lives. These people usually have deep and soothing voices and wiry, athletic bodies. They are brilliant orators and it is an absolute joy to listen to them.
The flip side to the story of number Seven is that these individuals are often viewed as selfish and irresponsible. They do not cling to other people and mostly refuse to settle down with even those whom they evidently love and this makes them mysterious creatures who cannot be decoded by society. This is what earns them the title of commitment phobics, too scared to shoulder responsibilities that one ought to. The love they shower so easily on so many makes them promiscuous in the eyes of society. Their dissonance is often misread as disinterest. Their absolute resolve to look at the bigger picture to figure out the greater truth and refusal to get entangled with the banal is often labeled as cowardice and the inability to face the real world. They choose to be Alice and usually have their own Wonderlands – a parallel universe where they aren’t queer and aren’t viewed in a condescending manner. Sometimes when it becomes really difficult to escape into the parallel universe, Sevens take the help of alcohol, drugs, and other hallucinatory agents to help them get away. They believe in making every moment beautiful. Moments you share with them will illuminate the rest of your life. Be happy with what you get with them. Dreaming of building a future will only end in you hurting yourself. Sevens don’t know where life will take them tomorrow. So, trying to hold on to sand grains will only result in losing them faster. Understand and respect that.
8 is friends with 2, 4, and 8; gets along fine with 1, 5, and 6; and should avoid numbers 3, 7, and 9.
Eight is the number of ambition, authority, caution, hard work, opinion, success, and wealth. These individuals are ambitious and hardworking. They are driven by a force and are very focused on their aims and goals. Their determination and strong drive takes them to great heights. Their motivation lies in their absolute need for financial security and stability. They just know what they want in life and they aren’t afraid to seek it with a vengeance. They are not ashamed of their ambitious nature and can often be rather blunt about it. They are superbly organized beings who strategize well to get to wherever they wish to be. While some might view it as unscrupulous, Eights view it as necessary tactics to secure their status and image in society. Even though they aren’t very vocal about it, they seek constant validation and need to be told incessantly that they did good. They like it when their partners appreciate their efforts. Their need to maintain their image is so grave that they don’t get rid of the facade even in front of their partners. They never express it when they want their partners to display affection towards them. They might actually end up throwing tantrums during such moments and ask to be left alone when in reality, all they want is to be held and reassured about how much they are needed. These people like to be prim and proper even when it comes to their appearance. They dress impeccably and keep themselves in shape. It is very necessary for them to look appealing for their appearance greatly influences their self-esteem. They feel inadequate if they don’t look presentable and it affects everything else. Perfectionists? Yes, they absolutely are. Obviously, they like their partners to dress well and be perfectly groomed as well. That is when they can proudly show him/her off to the world. Don’t judge. They expect what they themselves deliver. Nothing wrong with that. They are intelligent people who make excellent leaders and a productive argument with them can actually teach you a hell lot. Their observational skills are legendary and logical reasoning skills, enviable! Killer instinct is something that manifests to the fullest through number Eights and their go-getter attitude is appreciably formidable. These individuals are bold and courageous. They are also adventurous and have all leadership traits like aggression and confidence.
On the negative side, Eights are known for their shrewdness. They can be extremely dominating and arrogant. Also, eight is a number of opposites. While these people are mostly generous and like to splurge on friends and family, there are those who will give Ebenezer Scrooge a run for his money when it comes to being parsimonious. Then there are those housed by this number who hate people who have acquired wealth and success in life. They snub them like the wealthy are criminals. Such perfectionists these people are and so important is it to them that they impress their partners in bed that the anxiety ends up rendering them nervous enough to not being able to perform at all. They are scared of anything that can hamper their image and only a sensitive and appreciative partner can bring out the sensitive and beautiful lovers that they actually are. They are not afraid to take responsibility, they just seek credit for shouldering it so well.
9 is most excellent with 3, 6, and 9; fairly excellent with 1, 2, and 5; while is incompatible with 4, 7, and 8.
Nine is the number of enthusiasm, energy, humanitarianism, cooperation, and generosity. They are usually well read and rather evolved human beings who love to give. No matter what it is, their generosity knows no bounds. It is like God made these gentle and loving souls to shoulder the burden of the entire world. They almost never complain about things that are bothering them. Voicing their troubles is not their style. After all, they are aware of the fact that their ability to absorb more than their fellow beings is much greater and sharing would only increase the woes of other people. They suffer noiselessly and in the meantime, spread as much joy as they possibly can. Amazingly, people around a number Nine are always aware of the greater capabilities of such a person. It is his/her stoic and mild presence that attracts them to a Nine. Nines are usually multitalented people. If they can put their finger on which one of their multiple talents they wish to hone and pursue, success cannot stay away. But with so much burden to shoulder, they require a partner’s help to see which door to open.
Number Nines usually have grave abandonment issues which they keep cooped up deep within themselves. They invariably feel that their parents did not do everything they could have to make them feel loved and wanted. This does make Nines wonderful parents, no doubt, for they never wish to repeat the mistakes their parents did, but it also makes them incurably gloomy for the rest of their lives. While it is supremely difficult to dig out and discuss these deeply scarring issues with a Nine, the partner can always alleviate the stress and lighten the mood with some fun movies, music, silly dancing, and bacchanalian merrymaking. That ought to lighten the ever-burdened spirit of a Nine up. Since Nines are like sponges who absorb a great deal and very, very rarely let anything out, living with one can be extremely frustrating at times. Not knowing what is troubling someone comes in the way of solving conundrums. So, patience and perseverance are two qualities that a partner of a Nine must have. Letting go is a huge problem with these people. They hate endings. Naturally, this hinders resolution and moving forward. Only a gentle, patient, and loving partner can coax a Nine into letting go.
11 is awesome with 2, 4, and 8; quite compatible with 1, 3, 6, and 9; and should keep away from numbers 5 and 7. 22 is great with 2, 4, and 8; quite good with 6 and 7; and will find it challenging with 1, 3, 5, and 9. 33 is perfectly compatible with 3, 6, and 9; quite well-matched with 2, 4, and 8; and should avoid 1, 5, and 7.
The numbers 11, 22, and 33 are known as the Master life path numbers. In short, if the addition of the entire birth date leads to either of these numbers, then it is not summed up again to (1 + 1 = 2) or (2 + 2 = 4) or (3 + 3 = 6). People with these numbers either achieve remarkable things in life, or can be drowned into obscurity.
Elevens are Master Dreamers who envision a better tomorrow. They reinforce the need to seek better days subconsciously. Only a person who dreams rationally can work towards a brighter future. Well-known personalities include Al Gore and Barack Obama. Individuals with 22 as their life path number are Master Builders; who are practical visionaries, who transform dreams into realities. They build a better future for all humanity. A well-known personality is Sir Richard Branson. Thirty-three indicates Master Teachers who seek to carry all humanity to a greater and more evolved plane. Their personal ambitions are always aimed at bringing about the greater good. Well-known personalities with this number are Mahatma Gandhi and Dalai Lama.
Now let us see an example to understand how the calculations are done in numerology.
According to numerology compatibility, let us take a look at two people, whose dates of birth are 9th of July, 1980 and 5th of March, 1981.
July 9, 1980 is expressed as 9 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 34 and 3 + 4 = 7.
March 5, 1981 is expressed as 5 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 1 = 27 and 2 + 7 = 9.
7 is a number of change and the greater good. It is about making connections and sharing the vision.
9 stands for patience and a higher intellectual functions. But, it is also the number of secrecy that might lead to aloofness.
Based on this, one would conclude that both these people wouldn’t share a relationship based on mutual interests, for communication would come in the way of talking about new things and doing activities that spur their intellect and enthusiasm.
Thus, this would not be a mutually favorable relationship for these individuals.
Another significant and extremely popular method of determining numeral compatibility is by assigning numbers to each of the 26 alphabets and then converting complete alphabetical names (name + middle name + surname) into numeric ones and then calculating the numbers of the two people in question in order to gauge their compatibility. This practice has its roots in the Latin and Hebrew gematria which simply means the translation of words into numbers. The chart given will tell you which number is allotted to which alphabet.
As you can see, the logic of allotment is simple. “Z” is the 26th alphabet. 2 + 6 = 8, so 8 is the number allotted to “z”. Now, let us take two names into consideration and check out their compatibility.
Let us take two people by the names of Amy Farrah Fowler and Sheldon Lee Cooper (not a coincidence, I love them!).
AMY (1 + 4 + 7) FARRAH (6 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 + 8) FOWLER (6 + 6 + 5 + 3 + 5 + 9) = 80 and 8 + 0 = 8.
SHELDON (1 + 8 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 6 + 5) LEE (3 + 5 + 5) COOPER (3 + 6 + 6 + 7 + 5 + 9) = 81 and 8 + 1 = 9.
8 is an enthusiastic, energetic, and aggressive number. Residents of this number are exceptionally astute and sharp which make them naturally endowed leaders. A person belonging to this number is always welcoming changes for the better. She is ambitious, successful, and not afraid to toil. But, she will also be obstinate, opinionated, and rather blunt about things.
9 is the number of balance, endurance, and cooperation. They exhibit a patient attitude towards people who aren’t as intellectually blessed as they are and tend to make everything their problem.
Based on this, it can be safely derived that both will tremendously enjoy the battle of wits and intellects immensely. However, this might lead to major ego issues between the two. Naturally patient, the 9 will end up making more compromises than the 8 and it may eventually lead to resentment and confrontations. Neither will get the support they require from their partner.
This relationship could work grandly if both meet each other midway or the number 8 chooses to be the bigger person.
Based on this data, you can look at what each number stands for, and thus, analyze the compatibility within relationships. Also, while all this may be true, it is also wise to look at the underlying nature of each person, and their emotional and psychological make-up, to determine compatibility factors within a relationship. Numerology, thus, stands as a guide towards explaining several of these characteristics, and helps attain a deeper level of understanding within relationships.