Numerology has fascinated many like me. The numerology number meanings, like the astrological signs, give an indication of the person’s personality traits. This article touches on the meanings of numerology numbers, starting from 1 to 9 and master numbers like 11 and 22.
Numerology, like astrology, is a metaphysical science. It is the deep study of numbers and their influence over the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of a person. It is a very vast topic as there are various facets of numerology, like the numerology of name, the personality number, the destiny number, the maturity number, the birth number, the life path numbers, the soul number, etc.
The destiny number gives the ruling force of life and is obtained by reducing the entire birth date to a single digit. Similarly, the birth number, which highlights the various influences on life, is the day of birth reduced to a single digit. Since numerology is such a vast topic, this article will only deal with the numerology number meanings.
When the sum total of the entire name is reduced to a single digit, the name number is arrived at. The name number explains the individual’s social interaction and the physical expression of general talents. Once you have calculated your own number, go directly to the description of your number and check out your description. Let me know, if you think it matches.
There is so much more to write, but my article has already become very long. I will leave the rest of the information for another article. So until next time, adios amigos.