It is truly interesting to see Geminis waltz around in life as they are perpetually transforming. There’s never going to be a dull moment with these people around. AstrologyBay has handpicked some sayings and quotes about these individuals as a way to celebrate their uniqueness.
Period of Twins Indeed!
According to the U.S. census, more number of twins are born under the Gemini sign than any other zodiac sign.
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, ruled by the planet Mercury. Individuals born between May 21st to June 21st belong to this sign. The symbol for this zodiac are the twins, a befitting way to depict the self-contradicting, poles-apart character of these individuals.
Just like a caterpillar metamorphoses into a beautiful winged butterfly, ready to take flight, these individuals too take up a different persona in every phase of life and finally emerge, after some serious soul searching, as their true selves.
No matter what the situation, a Gemini will always be charming as hell. Their eyes―be it blue, brown, green, or hazel―will definitely grab your attention. A Gemini will always manage to light every dark, gloomy corner of your mind with his (or her) sunshine smile. These individuals love to talk, combine that with their enigmatic personality, and you get a potentially lethal combination. Be careful, these individuals can be so good with words that they could sell ice cubes to an Eskimo.
In love, a Gemini may seem really distant and unattached, but you gotta dig a little deep. With a little understanding of their one-of-a-kind ways and patience, these relationship can blossom into a very loyal, amiable companionship. It is for sure that you’ll never get bored with your Gemini. We sincerely wish we could go on talking about this zodiac sign, but here are some quotes and sayings about Gemini that truly depict their characteristics.
Quotes About the Charisma of Geminis
❝The Gemini essence is extremely contagious.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Love Signs
❝The trickster aspect of Gemini’s ruling planet, Mercury, is always hiding behind the sharp Gemini intellect, revealing itself in all manner of minor and major ways.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Love Signs
❝But the cold metal of Mercury divides Gemini with twin desires, until he stops and waits―and listens―to his own heartbeat.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs

❝Gemini never fumbles. Whatever the situation with the loved one- joyous or tragic, loose or tight – the typical Gemini can, when he (or she) wishes, carry the ball with easy grace, handling embarrassment, fear or anger, with incredibly light touch.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Love Signs
❝There’s an eagerness about Geminis, an immediate, sympathetic friendliness, and unusually quick, but graceful movements.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs
❝A Gemini knows how to swerve you from your most stubbornly held convictions.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs
❝Gemini can charm a bird right out of its tree and give it five new songs to sing.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs
❝A Gemini’s eyes never lie, even when their lips do. If you wanna know if they’re in love with you, speak to their eyes!❞
― Anonymous
❝Gemini like to deal with their problems by themselves, they hate the idea of bringing other people down or being dependable on anyone else.❞
― Anonymous
❝A Gemini needs to strike out on a fresh path from time to time in order to avoid feeling trapped and bored.❞
― Anonymous
Quotes About Gemini’s Multifaceted Personality
❝Each Gemini contains a twin mirror image of himself (or herself), in reverse, the positive and negative poles of his or her personality.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Love Signs
❝Gemini is the sign of the twins, and often it manifests as two faces of the same person which never have an opportunity to meet.❞
― Lynn Hayes
❝Gemini is ruled by the trickster Mercury, the planet of lightning speed, who forces this man, woman or child to try on a thousand faces, then discard them, in a restive search for personal identity.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Love Signs

❝Since Gemini is a mental Air Sign, these people are driven to spinning their brains almost continually, even in their sleep, thinking, theorizing, figuring, projecting, condemning, endorsing, discarding, sorting and analyzing the cold, hard facts – at the very same time that they’re chasing their visionary dream.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Love Signs
❝The Gemini nature is mercurial and quixotic-changing every day and, indeed, every moment.❞
― Lynn Hayes
❝Then without the faintest warning, Gemini will turn into a will-o’-wisp, sprinkling dreams like lemon drops, scattering ideas like confetti, restless, yearning, as physically active as he (or she) is verbally communicative and emotionally restless.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Love Signs
❝Gemini is a lover and a fighter… rolled into one.❞
― Anonymous
❝The twins are Mutable, consequently. They prefer to dash around, here and there, communicating ideas and dreams, to being the Bog Boss and running the show.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Love Signs
❝Gemini flits from bright yellow cheer to indigo of despair, experiments with shimmering silver of dreams and the gold of hope, then plunges down into grey of despondency, from which he-she quickly leaps into glistening white child like faith.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Love Signs
❝The mercurial changes of a Gemini’s expression is as fascinating to watch as the psychedelic lights in a nightclub.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs
Quotes About the Gemini Man
❝A Gemini man is able to analyze people quickly, with a swift, sure insight.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Sun Sign
❝The typical Gemini man keeps nothing for which he has no further need, from torn ticket stubs and dull razor blades to human relationships which have outlived their usefulness.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Love Signs
❝Gemini is not even slightly interested in or impressed with tradition.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs
❝Gemini isn’t content until he untangles every snarl and sees into every motive, and so her cryptic behavior leaves him with a continued feeling of vague uneasiness.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Love Signs
Quotes About the Gemini Woman
❝Somewhere, hidden among the several women who make up one Gemini female, is a romantic one-one who is capable of intense passion, if you can manage to make the mental, spiritual and physical blending complete.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs
❝Your Gemini woman will never take a train when she can fly. She’ll never be silent when she can speak. She’ll never turn away when she can help. And she’ll never walk when she can run.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs

❝Gemini girls have been known to forget mundane responsibilities like lovers locked in a dungeon when they have been caught up in a fitful flight of fancy or a mental whim.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Love Signs
Gemini in Love
❝Geminis don’t seem to be lonely but they are.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Love Signs
❝Gemini needs a lover to be continually new and fascinating and to continue to grow and learn with. ❞
― Lynn Hayes

❝To Gemini you can’t be sure of anything in this life, especially love.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs
❝More than anything, they crave a wide range of experiences and personalities they can try on-this is also true for Geminis in love. ❞
― Lynn Hayes
❝A Gemini can change his clothes, his job, his love life or his residence as fast as he changes his mind, and that’s pretty fast.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs
❝Gemini heart contains many little secret rooms, in which are hidden compassion, gentleness, surprise, humor, hope and sunshine.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Love Signs
❝In friendship, business, love relationships, Gemini is not inclined to cling.❞
― Linda Goodman, Linda Goodman’s Love Signs
Quotes About Being a Gemini by Famous Personalities
❝I’m a Gemini, so I change my mind every day.❞
― Natalie Portman
❝I have this weird sort of Gemini thing where I can really be empathetic and a loving person. But if you piss me off, I can be one of the meanest, most sadistic people.❞
― Bill Burr
❝I am a Gemini and can adapt to most atmospheres. You get two for the price of one when you are a Gemini.❞
― Karan Johar
❝I’m a Gemini, and I get so bored so easily. I mean, I have moved six times in the last eight years.❞
― Courtney Cox
Geminis are truly unique beings who can keep you mesmerized for as long as they want to hold your gaze. They really know how to paint the sky their own shade of blue, if you want them to stick around, just sit back and enjoy the interesting picture they create.