When it comes to tarot card meanings, there are so many different definitions, elements, and physical connections to remember. From the Major Arcana to the Minor Arcana, the reversed cards, and everything in between. Sometimes it can seem like too much to memorize, but it’s important to remember to take it one step at a time.
Within these mythical cards, four suits make up the Minor Arcana of the deck, and those suits are known as the pentacles, wands, swords, and cups. But did you know that despite the cards you get in your reading, depending on what suit they came from, the meaning can change entirely? Here, we will break it down and go over each of the four tarot card suits, their meaning, and what they can tell you in a reading.
Tarot Card Meanings – The Suits
To start, the wands suit is also known as the suit of fire. When we think of fire in spiritual terms, it represents passion, ignition, and emotional energy. Thus, the wands are the suit that’s all about energy or passion. This could be related to a job, relationship, or some other personal matter. And because of the intensity connected to this group of cards, this suit can also be connected to creativity, growth, and strength. When the wands are pulled during a reading, it often points to the build-up of something in your future. Be sure to pay close attention.
If you’re new to tarot readings and looking for an easy spread, you can also check out our article, “5 Powerful 3-Card Tarot Spread to Offer Clarity” to help you learn some of the basics.
Next, the cups suit is connected to water. Just as water represents emotion and intuition in spiritual practices, so do the cups. When the cups suit shows up in a reading, it is time to look within. This could be in regards to your emotions, family, relationship, or your overall inner consciousness. Either way, the cups suit is telling you that the problem rests mainly within you, and it’s time to start seeking within for answers.
Next up, the pentacles suit is connected with the earth, which represents grounding energy. Whenever a card from this suit shows up, it is often connected to the material world and material possessions. This could include money, physical items, home, or other. Although, it may also point to the completion of a job and key points when it comes to your workspace. Either way, this card suit is all about what you can feel and touch and is one that should not be taken lightly.
For more information on the pentacles and other suit meanings, be sure to check out the article, “Minor Arcana Tarot Card Meanings” by Biddy Tarot for more information.
And lastly, the swords are, of course, connected with air. When a card from the swords suit shows up, it means that the problem mainly resides in the mind. This can ultimately point to your intellect and logical thinking, and the emotions connected to your thoughts. This could mean doubts, fears, negative thoughts, and overthinking may be prominent in the person being read. Overall, this suit of cards symbolizes our thoughts, beliefs, and our state of mind. Are your thoughts happy? Sad? Fearful? It’s time to get your head straight and clear up any lingering negativity that may be slithering by.
In conclusion, understanding the meaning of each suit can play a huge part in accurately interpreting a tarot reading. And honestly, all the best tarot readings look beyond the surface meaning of the cards, and instead delve deeper into the hidden meaning for the true answers. Therefore, if you’re looking to truly understand yourself, it’s time to take a deeper look into the cards. And only by doing this, you will take a deeper look into understanding yourself.
For more information on other tarot card meanings, you can also check out our article, “The Secret Meaning of ‘The Fool’ Card” for more information.