When it comes to learning palmistry, things can get confusing. It’s always heart line this, a lifeline that, crisscross here, heart shape here, & so forth. And honestly, because there’s so much when it comes to palm reading, it can be hard to follow & interpret. For that reason, today, we’re going to break down all things having to do with the palm. We’re going to talk about the meaning & location of major lines, hand shape, and small details that may contribute to more significant messages overall. So, if you’re ready to understand who you are like never before, let’s dive in & get started.
What is palm reading?
But before we start, what exactly is palm reading? Palm reading is an ancient form of divination of studying the lines on the palm to foretell the future. Often times, you see fortune-tellers & psychics using this method in readings. These lines on our hand that may seem like nothing more than folds actually depict personality traits, choices, decisions, karma, & fate in our life. Ultimately, they reflect who we are, what we’ve been through in our life & what is yet to come.
Major Lines
Life Line
Moving on now to the major lines, let’s kick off with the life line. The life line is located between the index finger & thumb & continues down towards the base of the thumb towards the wrist. This line tells the story of your life, including strengths, weaknesses, struggles, obstacles, fortune & all things you. Although contrary to popular beliefs, this line does not signify the actual length of your life but, in fact, focuses more on the quality of your life.
- Bold: If your life long is bold & deep, this indicates a strong constitution. It shows that this individual is strong-willed & able to handle any & all obstacles in their life. It may also indicate more of an influence on others, as these people typically leave a lasting impression.
- Shallow: A weak or shallow line indicates a more conservative, shy, or cautious behavior. These people often change their course, are easily influenced, & are a bit all over the place. These people often don’t know what they want in life or what direction to go & tend to change their direction frequently.
- Forked upward: A forked line that goes upward can signify someone who is optimistic about life. These people tend to help lift others up & encourage one another. They are also the people who typically stop to “smell the roses.”
- Forked downward: A forked downward lifeline may signify someone who is more reserved & may be a bit of loner. They may also be a pessimist & more prone to feelings such as anxiety & depression.
Heart Line
Next, the heart line, located above the head line, deals with all things in regards to your emotions & love. It can indicate your ability to love & be loved, how deeply you love, & how you express this.
- Long: A long line that touches the other side of your palm indicates you have a very straightforward way of acting. If it is parallel to the head line, it shows a strong need for control over your own emotions & of others.
- Short: A short heart line shows a self-centered personality. This can show that you are very critical of others & very narrow-minded. It also signifies a love life with difficulty & without passion.
- Upward curve: An upward curved heartline shows confidence & expression. You are easily able to express your emotions to others & are good at talking about subjects involved with the heart overall.
- Downward curve: A downward curve may signify blockages. You are not good at expressing yourself, & this may cause problems for your relationships or marriages in the future.
- Straight: A straight line signifies stability. It shows that you are very open, kind & approachable to others. It may also mean shyness in a relationship.
Marriage Line
Next, the marriage line, located at the base of the pinky, reflects your overall attitude, approach & fate in regards to love.
- Long: If your marriage line is long, it indicates a lasting romance full of passion & happiness. It also suggests the ability to get through obstacles together & overcome anything.
- Short: A short marriage line may indicate a passionless love. Often times, these relationships are rushed & don’t last very long.
- Upward curve: An upward curve in your marriage line shows a calm & balanced romance. These marriages generally have few worries.
- Downward curve: If your line curves downward, it can indicate possible separation or divorce.
- Straight: If your marriage line is straight, it shows a long, stable & happy romance.
Head Line
Moving on, the Head line, located on the palm starting above or on the life line. This line, frequently known as the Wisdom Line, reflects mental, psychological, intellectual, & intuitive abilities.
- Long: If the head line is long & extends across your entire hand, it means you are very successful. Alternatively, it may also indicate a narcissistic or selfish side.
- Short: If the line is short, this indicates a very practical & straightforward individual.
- Curved: If your head line is curved, this indicates someone who is a bit of a dreamer. They are often a hopeless romantic in their ideals & tend to also be very creative.
- Straight: If the head line is straight, it indicates a down-to-earth & logical individual that may be more on the materialistic side. These people tend to be realists.
Fate Line
Moving on next to the fate line, which is the vertical line that goes up our hand towards the base of the middle finger, signifies our fate in our career, achievements, & materialistic success.
- Long & bold: If your fate line is long, it indicates that there is a high possibility you will start your own business & be the own boss of your life. This points to a long, successful career in the future.
- Short & shallow: This type of line indicates that you are a very hard-worker. You are not on the path of a common destiny & you may struggle working for this life you picture.
Next, the mounts are the parts of our hands that stand out as bumps below the fingers. These indicate the influence of the planets on our personality, choices, views, & how it contributes to who we are emotionally & physically. These play an important role in a reading & in who we are overall.
Mount of Venus
First off, located below the thumb, The Mount of Venus signifies art, beauty, sensuality, love, & romance. Now, if it appears overdeveloped, this suggests someone who overindulges in many areas of their life. On the other hand, if it is even, it suggests happiness & a love of the arts. But if it is absent or underdeveloped, this suggests criticism, lack of family connection, & potential illness.
Mount of Jupiter
Next, the Mount of Jupiter, located below the index finger, indicates your view of the world & how others view you. It points to your ego, determination, accomplishment, leadership, power & control. If it appears overdeveloped, it suggests someone who attempts to control others & is self-centered. If it appears normal, it can indicate a connection to intuition & one who loves to help others. If it is absent or underdeveloped, this indicates a low ambition, low self-esteem & self-pity.
Mount of Saturn
The Mount of Saturn, which is located below the middle finger, this mount indicates patience, responsibility & modesty. It may also indicate a need for solitude. Now, if the mount if overly developed, it suggests someone who is stubborn, depressed, or isolated. If it is normal, it suggests independence & kindness. If it is flat or absent, it shows someone who is superficial.
Mount of Apollo
Next, the Mount of Apollo, located below the ring finger, this mount indicates compassion. If it is overly developed, this indicates temper, envy, & a lack of control. If it is normal, this shows flexibility, strive & an outgoing nature. If it is flat or absent, it signifies stillness, dullness, & lack of direction.
Mount of Mercury
Located at the base of the pinky, this mount indicates finances, success & practicality. If it is larger, this suggests a liar. This may also show someone who thinks they are always right. If it is even, this person is flexible, outgoing, & has excellent communication. If it is lacking or absent, this person may be shy.
Mount of Moon
And lastly, this mount is located at the palm’s base on the side with the pinky finger. This mount is a good indication of imagination, creativity & intuition. Now, if it appears larger or overdeveloped, this person may live in a fantasy. If it is even, they are very creative & express their visions freely. If underdeveloped or absent, this indicates an individual stuck in their head. They have a lot of ideas but don’t express them or have the ambition to do so.
Hand Shape
And lastly, our palm shape & finger length can also tell a lot about who we are without even reading our palm lines. These categories generally sync with the 4 elements.
Earth hand: The first type of hand appears square with short fingers. It signifies an individual that is hard-working, realistic, dependable, & stable. These people are also very stubborn & short-tempered.
Water hand: This next hand shape is shown as a rectangle with long & lengthy fingers. These types of people tend to be emotional, intuitive, creative & calm.
Air hand: Next, this type of palm appears squarish with long fingers. These individuals are restless, intellectual, & love challenges. They are also very intuitive abilities.
Fire hand: And lastly, this palm appears rectangular with shorter fingers. These individuals are outgoing, persistent, & are always looking to have fun. These people tend to burn out with all the activities they are doing & can also be very impatient.
Overall, when it comes to reading palms, there are many different aspects to your hands that play a part in who you are, even more so than we covered in this piece. Delving into the study of the palm is indeed an interesting art, & one that, with patience, we can master & work to understand the most profound enigmas of life. We truly have all the answers right in our hands, & now we must work to uncover their meaning. In the end, there is truly no greater mythical & ancient practice than learning to interpret that of the mystery of the palm.