Do you have the 1980 year of the Chinese zodiac sign? Also known as the metal monkey, this sign is clever, cunning, intelligent, and wise. However, the metal monkey may still have a few things they need to learn in order to be successful, especially in the coming year. Continue reading for an overview of the metal monkey, their luck, compatibility, career, and an inside look into their year ahead.
The 1980 Year of the Chinese Zodiac Metal Monkey Overview
- Lucky numbers: 0 and 9
- Colors: White and gold
- Element: Metal
- Past monkey years: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, and 2016
- Next monkey year: 2028
The metal monkey is a very wise, intelligent, and talented sign. They love to learn new things and are often lovers of books and documentaries. The monkey is also very vocal and loves to express themselves, whether it’s through speech, writing, or art. And because the monkey is naturally curious, they can easily step out of their comfort zone and try new things. This helps them to expand their wisdom and truly live life to the fullest.
On the other hand, they can be stubborn and mischievous. This is because the metal monkey sometimes believes it’s intelligence surpasses those around them, making them arrogant and cocky. Their need to be right, and need to ‘win’ every conversation is something that the monkey will have to overcome if they wish to make friends and create intimate relationships.
The Metal Monkey in Career
- Best career: Writer, freelancer, or lawyer
In a career, the metal monkey is best set to work a job where they can let their knowledge run free. For that reason, any job that involves logical thinking and a strategic approach would be ideal, such as a lawyer or detective. These jobs require exceptional research and critical thinking to succeed and would be perfect for the monkey. On the other hand, the monkey would also do well in a job with more freedom and expression. Therefore, a freelance job or writer would be another excellent choice.
The Metal Monkey in Love
- Most compatible match: Ox or rabbit
- Least compatible match: Pig and tiger
In love, the metal monkey is compassionate, kind-hearted, gentle, and sometimes a bit shy. The monkey is also naturally charming to those around them, so finding a proper mate is never a worry. In a relationship, the monkey is calm, giving, and supportive. When there is a disagreement, the monkey will do all that it can to calmly assess and fix the problem at hand. The good thing is, the monkey is never disrespectful, arrogant, or angry with their partner, so arguments are usually fixed quickly.
On the other hand, they often struggle with insecurities. The monkey tends to focus on their flaws and see themselves in a negative light, so they are often fearful of being abandoned. For this reason, reassurance and expression of feelings will go a long way with this sign.
1980 Chinese Zodiac Metal Monkey Overview for 2020
And lastly, for our 1980 Chinese Zodiac metal monkey overview, you can expect a relatively positive year ahead. The monkey will experience a better workspace, more money, a more stable relationship, and more opportunities overall. However, this sign may struggle with health issues, exhaustion, and irritability. The most important thing to remember this year, metal monkey, is that you need to find a balance of work and play. You have a habit of working yourself to the bone, but you need to learn to relax too. If you work too hard, you will burn out, and all your hard work will be for nothing. Relax, rejuvenate, and heal this year, and we can promise you, 2020 will be one of the best years of your life.
In conclusion, the year ahead is looking rather lucky for you, metal monkey. You are a very wise and happy individual, but now is the time that you learn patience more than ever. Slow down, take it easy, and live your life day-by-day to truly make the most of it. Trust us; you enjoy your life much better when you take time to smell the roses. For more information on the metal monkeys’ future predictions and the 1980 year of the Chinese zodiac, be sure to check out the Monkey Horoscope 2021 for a more in-depth look.