The goat sign is one of the most peculiar signs in the Zodiac. In life, they are hard-working, balanced, and creative. But when it comes to love, the
2002 Year of the Chinese Zodiac: Water Horse Sign Overview
If you were born in 2002 year of the Chinese Zodiac, you share the unique sign of the water horse with many others. The water horse is an ambitious,
2015 Year of the Chinese Zodiac: Wood Goat Sign Overview
The goat is an elegant, honest, and genuine sign. They are considered to be the most artistic and imaginative sign of the Zodiac and a true friend to
2003 Year of the Chinese Zodiac: Water Sheep Sign Overview
If you were born in 2003, you were born under the mystical and quiet sign of the water sheep. The water sheep is a gentle, talented, hard-working, and
1979 Year of the Chinese Zodiac: Earth Sheep Sign Overview
According to the Chinese Zodiac, those born in the year of 1979 are born under the sign of the earth sheep. The earth sheep is a very noble, kind, and
2014 Year of the Chinese Zodiac Wood Horse Horoscope Overview
Today on AstrologyBay, we are continuing our exclusive inside look into the 12 Zodiac signs with another new feature. This time we're going to focus
1980 Year of the Chinese Zodiac Metal Monkey Horoscope Overview
Do you have the 1980 year of the Chinese zodiac sign? Also known as the metal monkey, this sign is clever, cunning, intelligent, and wise. However,
1943 Chinese Zodiac Water Sheep Horoscope Overview
Were you or a parent born in 1943? If yes, the water sheep is the 1943 Chinese Zodiac sign. The water sheep is an emotional, kind, and gentle sign
Horse 1990 Year of the Chinese Zodiac – Sign Overview and Yearly Prediction
Here on AstrologyBay, we've begun a series delving into each of the different Chinese Zodiac signs and their traits for each unique year. As we've